CVs and Resumes


One of the most daunting tasks that a fresh graduate experiences is putting together a resume for your first job. This means you barely have any hands-on experience in the real world; thus, the tendency for you to make rookie mistakes is high. We bring you some tips to guide you in putting together that resume for next summer’s internship and beyond.

  • Limit details about college performance.

For a fresh graduate or a final year student, cite only the last two years in college to act as a testimonial of your current work ethic. This should include your GPA. Do not overlook your minor. While doing this, ensure that you do not dwell too much on your college papers as this will make your CV look more like a scholarship application other than a job application. One thing to note is that recruiters could not care less about your high school and neither should you.

  • Write a strong personal summary.

Your personal summary should always be based on the position you are applying for. It should be brief and concise. This should NOT contain your career aspirations; rather, you should concisely state the value you will add to the company in question.

  • Add your LinkedIn profile.

Create an impressive LinkedIn account and let it be the last thing in your address. Recruiters like to investigate their potential employees and a social media platform like LinkedIn is their first port of call.

  • Eliminate bio-data and full address.

These things have become obsolete in the modern world, mostly as a result of the incidence of identity theft and the tendency for a candidate to be discriminated due to their biological background. Your email address and phone number(s) are enough for a recruiter to keep in touch with you.

  • Special Skills.

Excellence in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint is not a special skill. You will not be applauded for it. Anybody who has passed through the high school system needs to have this knowledge at their finger tips.

  • Include achievements at past jobs.

You many include accomplishments gained from working in volunteer capacities, as well as, on-the-job training you received while in college. Whether paid or unpaid. What you should never do is fabricate work experience and achievements. Remember, honesty goes a long way.

  • Do not make grammatical errors in your resume or CV.

Ensure that you read over your CV—paying attention to grammar and layout. Pay attention to consistency and tone of the CV. Get a fresh pair of professional eyes to go through for the final proofreading stage. This is why we are around to help you.

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